Monday, August 29, 2011

The Project List

A few nights ago, I was laying on my back  in my very comfortable bed - fresh sheets are just so comforting.  The fan was ticking while cooler air circulated through the open window in our bedroom.  The moon trickled in its light into the crevices of the room.  I was staring at the ceiling watching the fan.   My mind swirling with thoughts.
I started to giggle - just a small giggle at one particular thought.
My hubby asks me, "What is it that makes you giggle?" 

"Well,  I can't help but laugh at myself.  Here I am in the midst of it again.   In the midst of a very long "To-Do" list....  I laugh because it is just so like me to have a big list...  I tend to just pile up so much on my plate at once.  You'd think I would learn, right?"

Well,  if you know me - or at least most of my close friends know - I "book" myself up with SO many things, activities, projects, this and that,  that I think I just overwhelm them with just the thought of my list and all that I do.... me... I get overwhelmed over and over again.  I always ask myself  "Why? Why do I do this to myself?"

To be honest,  I think (as I reflect over my life) that I truly do better when I have MORE to do.  Sounds crazy  huh?  But, I am more effective (not perfect and nor do I always complete a project task) when I have a busy  schedule and list of things to do.  When I have less to do, I tend to be lazy - and sometimes I get into a bout of depression.

Now,  the important aspect of this "busy-ness" is to be able to find time to rest.  Taking breaks, taking time have a rest day...and not surround myself  with overload where I come crashing down.

So... that evening hubby and I went on to discuss this scenario --- that unlike other times - I was actually feeling a bit of peace.  I wasn't anxious or feeling stressed.   I was excited about the projects and my to-do list. -- however,  I admit that I was a little worried that I would forget something or someone important in the midst of the overwhelming list of tasks to be done.
I was just thankful to the Lord in the moment that I was able to encounter peace and be able to just giggle through the craziness of my life.   Thank you Jesus!

Well, some you may be itching to know my "Project List"?   Okay.  I will share with you.

Now,  keep in mind my to-do list also has everyday/weekly tasks such as Laundry, Cleaning, etc.  I am not going to list all those out, but they are definitely included in my maddness of things I am working on.  Also, I did not include on here activities such as Women's worship group rehearsals, Girls dance lessons, Bible Study groups,  grocery shopping, mailing packages, etc.  to the list.

My "Project List" 

Project # 1: Declutter/Organizing:

Sophia helping fold laundry!  Look at that happy smile!
She loves to be a helper! 
Lydia is dusting with the Webster!
This is probably the largest project I am working on because it includes small projects within it.
I am going through each room - purging, sorting, organizing.
I have 5 boxes labeled:

  • Put Away
  • Toss
  • Missions
  • Take Back
  • Keepsake
  • Find A Home - this is for things that need a home. 

As I go through the room, I put things into one of the appropriate baskets.  Our church is having a huge yardsale to raise money for Missions and we are contributing stuff to it.  So, things that go into the Missions box will go to that cause.   When the "Put Away" Basket is full, I simply go around putting it away.

I am also working on "Organizing"  using a lot of these methods from Danielle Darcy 

Project # 2:  Decorating the Girls Room
We chose 3 options for the wall color.  The girls decide on "A"

 Aside from decluttering & organizing,  I will be doing the following:
1. Painting 2 of the walls
2. Sanding and Painting  two dressers ( adding new hardware)
3. Putting Desks & shelves together for the "education/homework" area.
4. Getting School boxes, etc. together

Project # 3:  Canning

We were given a lot of tomatoes and also had some tomatoes from our own garden. So, I am going to be canning most of these.  Some of them I am using for the week, but some I will be making sun-dried tomatoes.  I am canning: whole & half fresh tomatoes, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, salsa, and making pasta sauces.

So, as you can see - lots of things keeping me busy.   On top of school starting for us in about a week, I will traveling out of town soon too. Phew!

Please pray for me as I am working my way through the projects that I will be relying in the Lord's strength to get through each day and that I will be worshipping Him in all that I do. work.... I go....

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