Monday, April 02, 2012


I looked back at my blog posts from a couple of years ago in April -- wow, how in the world did I do it?  I was posting almost every day - and it was actually interesting (insert laughter).

I got caught up in reading many of those posts from April 2010 and those previously written to that year....  Ya know - I was REALLY productive when I was pregnant.   I need to figure out how to get those "nesting-mones" (nesting hormones) in my body now.  Because, I am sure if I had it, I would be a lot more productive.

It was one of those precious gifts from God during my pregnancies that for a period of time, he gave me that extra energy, Oomph,  and strong desire to organize, clean, blog, make meals, plan ALL the time.

Oh, to have that energy again.
So, I am praying God will gift me with that same gumption again -- just not with a little bean in my tummy, because that is no longer going to be happening. 

I have decided to write a list of blogging topics - and attempt to write at least once a week. Which, means setting aside a time each week for blogging.  I suppose that is an area where I have not been too successful these past two years - managing my time wisely.

Over the next week, I will be writing my list and praying over it.

If you have ideas of what YOU like to read - let me know.  I value your thoughts, because honestly I want to write what people will read and enjoy.

Okay -- share with me your ideas.  And, please pray for me that I will manage my time the way God intends.

1 comment:

  1. love blogs about the girls. And love to see pictures of them.


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