This was a post that I wrote when I was a guest post HERE at Creative2xMom. I thought I would share this today with you.
Robyn at Creative2xMom has written a fantastic POST about an Early Easter Gift that promotes the idea of doing good in our own communities. It gives a chance for bloggers to give back to their own community. A fabulous idea. Go check it out!
We are in the midst of celebration activities here at Lil Daisies. Some of the activities you read below we have done or will be doing as we are celebrating our Lord & Savior! We pray that you have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

There are some that have the unsettled feeling about celebrating Easter with baskets and bunnies with little else to pass on to their own children. I have felt this way many times.
Since my family has a relationship with Christ, I desire for Christ to be a part of our family's daily life -- not just Sunday only -- everyday. I am finding ways to to bring the message of Jesus' resurrection into our home to our children.
I do want my girls to experience some of the "fun" of Easter, but I also want them to grow up learning WHY we celebrate Easter!
Just like Christmas, we develop traditions -- traditions that celebrate Easter in a fun, tangible way that still portrays the true meaning of this season: The Resurrection!
Traditions -- especially those children can see, hear, feel, smell and taste -- provide vivid impressions on which parents can build year after year. I will share with you some of our traditions that will hopefully enrich your own family's celebration of what might be more accurately called Resurrection Day.
Choose a few traditions from this collection that you think might suit your family. Share their meaning in whatever words your children will understand. Then, keep the traditions you like as part of your family's Easter heritage.
Whatever your activities or traditions that you create for your family, they should clearly include something meaningful and pointing to the true meaning of Easter and the Gospel.
Some excellent ways to teach your children why we celebrate Easter are through books, poems, crafts, activities, and object lessons.
Explanation of the story: Read the account from Scripture (Use a toddler bible if children are younger). Be creative with ithe telling of the story and use props such as a grave cloth, stems from a rose bush for crown thorn, 30 dimes for pieces of silver, etc.
Make a tomb out of couch cushions -- act out the part of the story to give them an idea about the tomb and why it is so great it became empty on the third day!
cinnamon rolls baked on a cookie sheet in a cross shape.
- Resurrection Eggs - You can make these eggs yourself. Each plastic eggs contains an item that symbolizes a part of the Easter story along with the appropriate scriptures.
- Easter Surprise - On Easter morning, your kids will get a surprise because Jesus has risen from the tomb (shoebox) in which he was buried only a few days earlier.
- Resurrection Rolls - This project symbolizes the burial and resurrection of Jesus. The only ingredients needed are crescent roll dough, marshmallows, butter, cinnamon and sugar.
- Jelly Bean Prayer
The NEW Jelly Bean Prayer
Red is for the blood He gave,
Green is for the grass He made,
Yellow is for the sun so bright,
Orange is for the edge of night.
Black, white, brown, yellow and red is for the children He made
All of these colors receive the grace He gave,
Purple is for the hour of sorrow,
Pink is for the new tomorrow.
Give a bag full of jelly beans,
Colorful and sweet,
Tell them it's a Prayer....
It's a promise..
It's an Easter Treat!
From LIL DAISIES, we hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Easter!!
Great ideas, Laura! We feel it is important for our kids to get the true meaning out of Easter, so we don't do the bunny and everything that goes with it. We will be making the resurrection cookies tonight!