Sunday, October 07, 2007

Monday Meanderings October 7th

I missed last week with Monday Meanderings. These past few weeks have been crazy and a stretch for me in so many areas. I realize that it will only get more and more complicated as we near the arrival of this baby. I am a lot more tired lately and less capable of doing many activites. So, trying to get organized now is my goal.
So, here we go for this week!

The Five areas:

  1. Bible Study/Devotions
  2. Must Do
  3. Zone / Cleaning
  4. Train Them Up
  5. Menu Planning

Bible Study/Devotions:
I am continuing with my two devotional and Bible study books. I am also trying to read through Romans in preparation for my Pastor's sermons coming up! Also.....playing worship music in our home!

I will be doing Joy Breaks as a quick devotional time.

"Loving God with All Your Mind" by Elizabeth George.

Must Do:

  • Organize/Declutter Office (I am actually going to get this completed on Saturday---as hubby and kids are out of town and I will have home to myself to organize and clean)
  • Write out plans for Christmas and Thanksgiving. We are having baby then, and I want to have as much planned out as possible
  • Make Menu Plan and list of foods to freeze for Nov. & Dec.
  • Continue to create my "Blessed Home Notebook"
  • Place stamps on Christmas and Baby Announcement Envelopes

Zone/ Cleaning:
I have a lot to catch up with regular household cleaning. I need to focus on general cleaning this week. One thing that I really need to do is give my wood floors a good sweep and mop. They have not been cleaned for weeks (yikes, I am embaressed to admit it!) So, for this week I will clean floors, catch up on laundry, and get basics done.

Train Them Up:
Since last week, the girls were sick...we did not do much in the way of homeschool. I need to do some catchup with that, but I do want to spend sometime having devotions with the girls. I find this to be so important, yet often neglected because of time, etc. No excuse, I know....but, a realization at that!

Menu Planning:
Go here to see what I have planned for this weeks menu. I have added a few Fall meal ideas. I love Fall food!


  1. Hope you have a wonderful, productive week! Praying that you will have the strength to do what you want to do, but not overdo it. :) The last couple of months are soooo draining.


  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Hope you have a productive week and get lots done. I know how tiring the end of pregnancy can be!

  3. I pray that you enjoy your week as you strive to get a lot of your goals met! Don't push yourself to much, btw love your blog and littles! They are so cute.

    JOYfully in Him,

  4. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Wow, to think I was in your shoes this time last year! How blessed that you all will have a sweet little one for the Holidays! Yeah! :-)

    I pray you get lots accomplished this week, especially on saturday! :-)


  5. I remember those days!!! I just had my seventh child in August...she came 4 weeks early (I think because I overdid it!) don't overdo it!

    These last few weeks are definitely the toughest...I remember all too well!



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