Sunday, July 15, 2007

READ all about it!

I haven't been posting a lot lately as I have been busy. (Smile)
I am anxious to show you all picture proof of my projects.....but, I am not quite finished. So, once I complete the projects, I will post some lovely before and after shots. It is exciting!

Check HERE for some updates on the projects. They are written in blue.
Check HERE for an update on my List of Insanity. They are written in red.

I have also been reading a lot more lately. Remember, I wanted to watch less TV and read more? Well, the Lord is mighty humorous as he lent his hand to help me in this matter. After I gathered some of my books, I started to read a little here and there between projects....but still watching some TV. But, this past week it all changed! Our TIVO stopped working. Our TIVO is connected to the TV and we can't watch anything (no DVDs, no TV--we can't even listen to CDs). Ric tried to figure the problem and realized it was probably our hard drive of the TIVO (which we haven't the money to replace). So, we spent the week listening to the radio & IPOD! And YES, I was able to read more. It has been rejeuvenating and refreshing to my soul.
Currently, I am reading "Peace Like A River" by Leif Enger. So far a fabulous book!

Keep Checking in for more exciting adventures into the lives of Lil' Daisies. I will post some exciting pics soon!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, have been reading more and podcasting more. It's been a nice change.


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