Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Musings Jan.30

Okay, so we have not done this in awhile... but, God's grace covers all my faults - even the forgetfulness and busyness.  Please share with me some your musings for the week.  What are you doing to expand your mind? Are you making anything fun or crafty? What is on your menu?

Here is Lil Daisies - Monday Musings
The Ministry of Motherhood - Following Christ's Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children.  (I love Sally Clarkson and her blog -- this  book I have been dabbling in for awhile. I borrowed it from a friend and need to finish it up give it back. But, a very encouraging, convicting and valuable book thus far!)

Karen Kingsbury Bailey Flanigan Series - I am on book 2 in the series "Learning".
I enjoy reading romance -- it is like a chic flic on paper... a way for my mind to escape and not have to think to hard. You know what I mean?   I enjoy Karen's book - however, sometimes I have to take a break for awhile as it gets mundane, but I return after awhile and can pour through a book quickly. 

II Samuel  - yes, I am reading the book of II Samuel and learning so much about David and his relationship with God.  This has been such a good in depth study for me.  I am involved in a study at my church - The Good Bad and the Ugly which involves both I Samuel & II Samuel.  I am a co-leader and having to delve in deep has been so good for my and my own relationship to the Lord.


I was moved in my heart last week as God spoke so clearly to me about "Gracing My Daughter with Encouraging Words".  How often do we spew out negative comments to our children out of frustration, lack of time, or without being aware we are doing so?   We can speak so easily negative words and yet forget to speak words that are postiive and encouraging to our children.
I was convicted that I need to be speaking words of life into my children.  Thankfully, God really prompted this in my heart in a way that was positive. Sometimes God can knock us on our knees with hard deserved, yet loving discipline, but sometimes God just gently nudges us with love...... be continued in an upcoming post.  Stay tuned.
Pinterest! So addicting -- but so much fun!  I actually have been really good at not spending too much time there...maybe about twice a week for 10 minutes at a time. (pretty good, huh?)
Well, I have found ALL sorts of projects that I want to do.  
Like making this scarf from t-shirts. ( I have lots of hubby's extra T's waiting for this project!)
And this headband organizer made from an oatmeal can! CLEVER!
If you are not following me on Pinterest -- Join me!  You can check out more of my favs of future projects.
I waffle on my menu planning. (Pun was not intended, but I giggled after I wrote it, so I kept it. "waffle"..hee hee)
I try and do something for awhile and then I switch back to another way of planning or try something new.... 
I guess it is always a trial and error process of what works best with our family. Sometimes I like the idea of monthly planning - then weekly planning then season planning then theme planning, pantry lists,etc....
So, I am still working it out in my mind... but, making a "PLAN" is the important part of having a healthy, balanced, and frugal meal set before your family. 
Here is what is planned for our family this week.

MONDAY:   Crockpot - Red Beans & Rice,  Cornbread.

TUESDAY:  Chevy's Restaurant. We are eating there in support of special little guy named Ansel.

WEDNESDAY:  Tuna Pasta Casserole, Green Salad

THURSDAY:  Tilapia, Tater Tots, Tomatoes & Peas!

FRIDAY: Vegetable Gnocchi Soup

SATURDAY:  Enchiladas

SUNDAY:  Leftovers or Breakfast

Okay your turn --- aMUSE me with your Musings....

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