We had a lovely simple Easter. The only downside was that it was stormy. Sophia, said it doesn't feel like Easter should be so stormy. I agree ---the stormy weather would have been good for a day such as Good Friday....and we missed the sunshine of Easter. But, in the midst of it --we loved being together as a family to celebrate that Jesus is Alive!
* Papa put on Easter Songs: Keith Green Easter Song, Second Chapter of Acts, He's Alive...
* Girls found their Easter baskets: Craft goodies! Rosi likes the lollipops!
* We get dressed for church -- off to Easter service
* Home for Brunch: Scrambeled Egg Tacos, Home Fried Potatoes, Fruit Salad
* Nap
* Make fixin's for Easter Dinner at our friends house: I made pasta salad, green salad, green beans
* Over to our friends' house for a nice Easter dinner and indoor Easter egg hunt.
Simply lovely Easter Day!
It was a little sad that we did not get a good picture of the girls in their Easter dresses. I am actually thinking if it is nice this week to dress them up again and have an Easter egg hunt....and take more pictures then.
Love the pics...what a happy family you have:)