Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Why Yes. This seems to be the time of year when things are wrapping up for school---so, everything is crammed into these last two weeks. Field Trips, Open Houses, Registration for next year, swimming lesson sign-ups, Summer Camp registration, birthdays, final Bible study meetings, etc. So with all those outside activities, I glance at my home and see laundry piles becoming mountains, the girl's room completely thrashed with clutter and toys, the rest of the house strewed with their stuff (clothes, toys, dolls, books), dishes piling in the sink, toilets that have not been cleaned in two weeks (yeah, I know gross), floors that desperatley need to be swept and mopped, sheets that really need to be changed because they are laced with pee (yep, really!), dust that is an inch deep all over every window--knook and cranny of my home, an office full of papers and stuff that does not belong there --in fact every room has stuff in it that does not "belong" there---and of course stuff that needs a place to belong.
It is at times like these that one can feel like we are in a very small boat trying to cross the sea. It is a struggle.
God is gracious and compassionate and has given us His strength and His peace even though the state of our household is in turmoil.

I am only able to endure through these times and press on because I am remaining in God's Prescence.
Being in God's Prescence and finding that quiet place for Him to restore my soul is what has helped me through these rough overwhelming times.

Here are ways that I am being in God's Prescence:

Worship Music
When I rise in the morning, most times Ric will put on Praise Music--this just sets the tone for my mood that day. Instead of facing the day with a list of "to-do", I am first seeking God's Righteoussness and praising Him. Singing His Song.
I also try to play it through out the day even in the car. Many times I will put on Kid's Praise Music, so that my children are learning the songs and praising God too. It is amazing how our day begins when we travel to school listening to these songs.
My goals for furthering my worship experience are:
  • to also listen to my favorite songs while exercising
  • listening to sermons or Scripture being read
  • playing piano or guitar weekly

Reading Scripture
This has always been a struggle for me to set aside "quiet" time to be with the Lord and read His Word....because being a mom of three girls you can hardly find "quiet" time. AND---I am not very good at getting up early in the morning to read. I have tried many times and have never made it past two mornings. But, I am learning to manage my days more better in that I am taking time to Read God's Word. I came to the conclusion that being intimate with the Lord does not result in having a 30 minute devotion time, but rather making Him a part of my every day--every moment--! However, reading God's Word is important. So, I have started by taking these steps.
1. Reading One Chapter from the New Testament & Old Testament & Psalms.
2. Reading an on-line devotion daily

Displaying Scripture
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates ~ Deut. 6:4-9

One my goals is to literally write God's Word on the doorframes of my home. I am planning to take God's Word and displaying it all over my home. SO, that we are surrounded by His Words. I am thinking of doing this in several ways:
  • 3x5 Postcards
  • Decorative Paper/ Cards
  • Frames
  • Painted on the walls
I have also learned that prayer does not need to be at a certain time ---it is at ALL times. So, I am learning to be in a constant effort of prayer through out my day. It might be a long prayer or a short prayer of Thanksgiving.
However, one thing I have done for awhile is a prayer journal. I write out my prayers and thoughts in a journal and I have a section for prayer requests from other people that I pray over. I try to remember to write down a prayer request in my journal---so that when I say that I will pray for someone, I REALLY do!

In Conclusion to this long post---my huge thanks to those that actually stuck through and read, I pray that you were blessed.
My goal is to not be caught up in the World's standards of "having it all together" and a perfectly clean, organized home (though, honestly it would be nice), but rather my goal is to glorify God with all that I am and continue to be in His Prescence.

Romans 12:2

2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


  1. This is an awesome blog...but I have to tell you, I was feeling even MORE overwhelmed by reading the details of what you need to do...cause I have to do the majority of it at my house too!! My garage has several baskets of clothes that need to be washed...so what do I do?? I start it, switch it over and leave it!! I hate laundry and it totally overwhelms me:( So I feel for you:) Maybe we should take the kids to the lake this summer and relax in God's beauty:)

  2. Channon -- You truly make me smile! Glad that there is someone else out there that detests laundry as much as I do! Yes...maybe we should just forget the laundry--who needs clean clothes anyways?...and we can just wear bathing suits all the time, cause we would be hanging out at the lake!



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