Having three girls is a joy. And, one thing I have loved learning about my daughters is their differences of opinion and character. They are all so different and I truly love that. Let me tell you that there are challenges with these differences, but truly it is my job to sort through them, understand them, and help to guide them to be lovely princesses of the King.
I wanted to share with you one difference of my two older daughters (Rosi is well too young to really be of matter in this example). Clothing. I have girls. And clothing is an issue with any girl. So...read about their perspective. I think you will enjoy.
Sophia's Perspective:
Sophia loves clothes. She loves wearing dresses and tights. She remembers what clothing she wore when she was 2 years old and remembers who gave it to her. She is very sentimental about clothes. Just this morning as I was using "recycled" clothes on Lydia, Sophia remarked, "Hey Lydia that used to be one my outfits I wore when I was your size. Aunt Jean gave that to me. I love that outfit. It looks cute on you too."
She has always been one to change her outfit three times a day and play dress-up. She coordinates, matches, "designs" her outfits most of the time. She is a good little shopper too. And, thankfully she does not pick out clothes that make her look like a Bratz doll. Because I want my girls dressed like girls.
Lydia's Perspective:
(This is easy and simple answer)
Basically, she would rather not wear anything at all. Yep. She is a naturalist.
Lydia has not been one to care too much about what she wears and she is definitely not sentimental about it. However, occasionally she will like something a lot....for example her Shrek shirt, Hanna Montana shirt, and Sophia's Fiona Flip Flops.
Otherwise, she would rather just hang in panties, tiara and T-shirt....or better yet no panties, no T.
So, the training with her is that there is a place for everything (kind of like the ol' organizing motto). There is a time to have clothes on your body and they HAVE to stay there. And, then there is a time where you may be without (like at home, inside the house, and no guests over).
Now shopping. Lydia's idea of shopping is to run in and out of the clothes hanging on the racks. It is a game to her, not a time of "Oh, look how cute is this outfit?" like her sister Sophia.
A good thing: I can pick out her clothes and put them on her....there is really no complaining of what she has to wear, it is mostly a struggle that she has to wear anything at all.
So cute! They are each their own unique person. It's fun getting to know them as they develop. Can't wait to see what Rosie is going to be like.