Friday, September 21, 2007

An Apple A Day...

My Lil' Daisies love apples! In fact, I have a "display" centerpiece bowl that I filled with apples and nuts and Lydia loves to go over there and grab an apple and take a bite.
It is a good thing that apples are in season right now. We are savoring their sweetness! I wish we lived closer to an apple orchard or knew someone with would be fun to have lots of apples to make Apple Pie Filling, Applesauce and Apple Butter! Yum! I suppose the Farmer's Market will have to do. Though, I should think in investing in buying an apple tree for our yard! There are so many varieties of apples. What are your favorite?

Well, better go keep the Doctor away.....

1 comment:

  1. Every fall we go apple picking with our best friends and home group. After, the moms all make pies, the dads BBQ and we play cards, while the kids run around. We've done it for 3 years now and I have to say it's one of my most favorite activities for the year. I usually make myself a little sick eating apples all day.


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