Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday Meanderings August 20th

This is my first week to participate in Monday Meanderings! I am very excited to start! Since, planning my meals has proven to be very beneficial to me and helped save in budget costs....I am hoping that Meanderings will also help me to create a plan of action and be accountable to follow through with some much needed things to be done in my home and heart!
The purpose of meanderings is to list five areas that need my attention in the next week---I make my plan of action and then go for it!

The Five areas:
  1. Bible Study/Devotions
  2. Must Do
  3. Zone / Cleaning
  4. Train Them Up
  5. Menu Planning

Bible Study/Devotions:
This will be a great area for me to work on. I seem to get so busy with other things that I have left out the most important part of my day! So now it is time to get back in gear!
I will be doing Joy Breaks as a quick devotional time.

I will also be starting to read and study "Loving God with All Your Mind" by Elizabeth George. This will be more of an in depth study. I have done this in the past...and I thought it a good time to do it again.

Must Do:
  • Finish Unpacking from Weekend: Do Laundry
  • Create my "Blessed Home Notebook"
  • Potty Train Lydia

Zone/ Cleaning:
This week I am working on the entry way into my home. The front door or entry way is the first thing we see when we walk into our homes. I am following Rachel's (from A Juggling Housewife) weekly list of Zones to clean. I am starting out at week #1 (Entry Way).

Train Them Up:
This is our second week of homeschooling. We are working on "Creation" and also "About Me" themes! I hope to start "Little Chef Time" this week. This is where I teach my girls how to cook, set table, clean-up etc.

Menu Planning:
I planned my menu for this week. Go here to see what we are putting into our mouths and bellies!


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I'm excited about the new meme too! Your week sounds really great. We don't start schooling for a couple more weeks, but I'm getting ready to go!



  2. You have a great plan! Happy Monday:-)

  3. You have a wonderful plan set up, i love the little chef idea! Oh and i would love to see a post about your blessed home notebook sounds neat!

    Hope you have a very blessed and productive rest of the week!



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