Friday, December 29, 2006

Somethings Anew for the Year 2007

Ah, it comes that time of year when we all want to start "anew" and we are encouraged to take out the list and check what we have accomplished from last year and what still remains on our list from the past 10 years. Well, I suppose I could bring out the old list...there are some things I am sure I have accomplished...and there are some new things I would like to do....and yes, there are several...many things I have yet to complete. So many things to resolve. BUT....
Simply, I toss the list and come up with something anew. Some things God has impressed upon my heart,through reading His Word, to work be all I can be for His glory.
So, I decided to write a list of 12 things. One thing for me to strive towards each month of this year. I know that I am not perfect. I may fail at sometimes...but God is gracious and merciful. What I need to do is to obey..... He will take care of the rest.

My 12 "Somethings Anew" are:

  1. To be a more godly wife....Read Here
  2. To serve my children by nurturing their heart
  3. To show Christian hospitality more
  4. To read more so that I can work towards having a better Christian mind (Romans 12:1-2)
  5. To live passionately for Christ--the passion has to be rooted in Biblical Truth
  6. To encourage others in their walks with Christ
  7. To die to self
  8. To be bold to share what Christ has done for me
  9. To sing with joy daily --keep my home a worshipful place
  10. To nourish my body, soul, and spirit
  11. To memorize His Word
  12. To overflow with prayer and worship---maintain a prayer journal

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