In the midst of my blog reading I came across this fun challenge that Crystal and FishMama are hosting. It is an Eat From the Pantry Challenge! But, I hadn't really decided if I would participate or not since we would be gone for part of the month. But, when reading through their thoughts and guidelines, I realized that I could do it for any amount of time in January. The initial challenge is to eat from your pantry, spending as little money on groceries as possible, for the entire month. I am going to try it for 3 weeks (minus the week we are gone for our cruise). I will also spend time blogging about it....so, that you aware what we are eating, spending, and saving!
This will be a month of creativity. I am sure to have interesting concoctions, maybe even some boring, plain meals....but, it will be worth the money saved and the happiness of fulfilling a challenge. Let me tell you that I am not going to completely avoid buying any groceries for a month. We like to have fresh eggs, milk, and produce, so I will plan to still buy those things.
I am also on WIC -- so, this will help with any foods I need to buy from that category too.
Here is the deal!~
- Reduce grocery spending. We're talking about reducing grocery spending this month, not eliminating it. Set a goal that is lower than your regular food budget and shoot for not exceeding it. I normally spend $100+ a week on groceries. My goal is $50.00 a week.
- Take stock. Take an afternoon and empty your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator. Ditch what's gone bad and make a list of what's left. Knowing what you have will make you less likely to buy more. I have a freezer/pantry form, that I will attempt to upload for you.
- Use what you have. Check your pantry before you meal plan or head off to the store. Develop meals based on what you have rather than buying new. I will continue to make my meals plans weekly -- but referring to my freezer/pantry lists first when creatively planning our meals.
You can join in the entire month, or for two weeks, or just a week--it's up to you! It's not a competition, it is to encourage you to get creative and save money by wisely using things in your freezer, refrigerator, and pantry.
Here is how you can get on board! Set goals for your own family for the Eat From The Pantry Challenge. Post it on your blog and link back here using Mr. Linky below. You can also link onto Crystal and FishMama's blog as well. At the end of the week, I will have another link to share how things are going and you can share your post as well.Join with LilDaisies and many others in making the most of your grocery budget this month and using up those items in your freezer/pantry!
Sign with Mr. Linky below!
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