Monday, August 24, 2009

Rough Draft

It has taken me awhile to get something posted here. I have been putting it off because when I actually have some time to write, I am so tired and really can't think straight to write anything. I don't know if I should call it writer's fatigue block??
So, this is a pretty rough writing for me as I am typing while words flow out of my fingers....ha ha...I thought I need to write at least something.
I am sure some of you have disappeared from reading since ---you have clicked here too many times to just see the pic of Lydia still standing atop her mountain.

School has just started and my both of my girls are thrilled to be there! They love school...and they are so social! Rosi is just growing up too quickly for me....her little personality is blooming! She is very expressive....just not too much with words yet. She is starting to spill them out though. She is good at the "repeat" game!

I am attempting to put my house back in order, set-up some assemblence of a routine, get back on track with exercise and eating healthy....seriously, I just popped a french fry in my mouth while I wrote that. That is horrible! But, we celebrated the first day of school by eating out at tonight. Gotta love the dollar menu.

Our household has had a couple of rough years financially...which I am sure most people now days are having. It has been a struggle for me to try and really manage and budget carefully our finances. Many days I have become angered or confused at why God is bringing us through this struggle for so long. It becomes draining and I have become depressed several times. There are times I have felt no hope. But, I do look back upon these past few years and I can with all confidence see that God has been so faithful in providing for our family and I am truly thankful. God is good. I don't always know why things are falling in around me....but, I think a major thing that I have learned on this journey is that I am to be completely dependent on Him through all things ---every day. There is an understanding that has grown in my heart and daily experience over the last couple of years . I feel like I have just touched the surface of a deeper understanding that I am utterly dependent of God for everything, including my next breath.

Psalm 13

For the director of music. A psalm of David.
1 How long, O LORD ? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?

2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;

4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.

6 I will sing to the LORD,
for he has been good to me.

Well, anyhoo....I feel disorganized and tired as of late...I have thought several times to stop blogging, but part of me really wants to keep at it. I at least got in something here today....even if it is rambled mess of words and thoughts. But, I guess that is a reflection of my life right now...pretty rambled.

That is is how we are doing here at the Lil' Daisies stable. I think we are trying to adjust back into the routine of school life. No more sleeping in and staying up late and busyness of Summer activities....swimming, camping, visiting, traveling....etc.

Okay. I need to get my kiddos into a bath then Bible and bed! TTFN!!


  1. tammy7:25 AM

    YAY! I'm so happy to see you've blogged! :) Faith... have faith and perseverance my friend, the
    Lord is Faithful and will bring you through, lean on Him!


  2. HI!!! Please don´t stop Blogging!!! I´m still here ;-) I love your blog and I can understand You so so so much!!!
    And... I love Lydia´s picture!!!
    BICOS from Galicia

  3. my heart is with you. I have wondered many of the same things lately. I cry out to God and it feels as though it is falling on deaf ears. "Why Lord and how long?!?!"

    Thank you for your honesty - keep writing!


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