Thursday, April 10, 2008

From the Heart

Lydia's Dinner Prayer: Jesus tank you for my fam-a-wee, my sa-wed (salad), my pah-ta (pasta), my wader (water), not that--I don't like that (pointing to asparagus), amen.

Sophia singing a response to the question "What is the meaning of life?":


  1. shhh mom!!! let her sing! too funny and precious...

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Beautiful...hope my daughter will choose to glorify the Lord!

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    What a Sweetie Pie! I pray her heart will always be joyful in the Lord. What a blessing!
    Keep singing! I love you, Mimi's "Sweetie Pie".

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "Let the little Children come to me..." Lydia is refreshing and reminds me to be honest before the Lord. I love you, Mimi's other "Sweetie Pie".


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