Sunday, September 02, 2007

Monday Meanderings September 3rd

I hope everyone is having (had) a great Labor Day Weekend! My weekend was great because I didn't go anywhere and didn't do much! Yeah! It was nice to stay home for a change. We have been gone for the past 3-4 weekends. Now, don't think I was lazy all weekend (though that would be nice). No, no, no...I was able to get quite a bit organized and cleaned! My DH cleaned the kitchen for me and it looks beautiful! His mom also came on Saturday and played with the girls while I was able to get a few things done. Then, she took one of the Lil' Daisies home with her! Yeah! DH left Sunday night to go down to Grandma's house to pick up the lil' daisy while taking the other daisy with him too. This meant that I had all of Monday to do my own list of things without having to take little squirt potty every 20 minutes, make meals, wipe bottoms and faces, stop bickering between siblings, etc. Ah, for one day it is a nice break.

The Five areas:
  1. Bible Study/Devotions
  2. Must Do
  3. Zone / Cleaning
  4. Train Them Up
  5. Menu Planning

Bible Study/Devotions:
I am continuing with my two devotional and Bible study books. I am also trying to read through Romans in preparation for my Pastor's sermons coming up! Also.....playing worship music in our home!
I will be doing Joy Breaks as a quick devotional time.

"Loving God with All Your Mind" by Elizabeth George.

Must Do:

  • Organize/Declutter Office (I need to get this done to bring order to our home)
  • Make List of all addresses for Christmas Cards
  • Continue to create my "Blessed Home Notebook"

Zone/ Cleaning:
This week I am working on the Master Bedroom. I am following Rachel's (from A Juggling Housewife) weekly list of Zones to clean. This week I will be on Week #3 (Master Bedroom)

Train Them Up:
I will be continuing to read devotional book with girls. Also, I want to spend some time "playing" with my girls. I feel many times I am busy with cleaning, organizing, business stuff, that I neglect to just be with my girls and play. So this week I plan to make sure to spend some time in playing with them (without thinking of things on my "to-do" list)!

Menu Planning:
I planned my menu for this week. Go here to see what we are feeding our bellies! Also, you can learn about America's#1 Frugal Family ( it is not us....yet!)

1 comment:

  1. Grandma loved her time with your Lil' Daisies. We had a blast swimming, fishing, dancing, playing with toys, etc. I was sure happy to "help out" by giving you a little alone time.


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