Boo hoo! I never did get to Meanderings last week ---it was a crazy week! And, really I don't think this week is much easier. But, I did set aside some time to write this out....then it is off to cleaning! My Doctor told me that I need to rest more. I can't believe how tired I am with this third baby! But, God is carrying me through each day. When I am relying on him each day, each moment, He is my strength and my Song! Otherwise, when I am in my own strength---I crash! So, for this week I am really trying to focus on spending more time with the Lord--singing, worshiping, praying, meditating etc. And, I need to re-evaluate my priorities and the amount of activities we are involved with....because I really do need to get more rest for the sake of this baby! I took a warm relaxing bath last night! :-)
The Five areas:
- Bible Study/Devotions
- Must Do
- Zone / Cleaning
- Train Them Up
- Menu Planning
Bible Study/Devotions:
I am continuing with my two devotional and Bible study books. I am also trying to read through Romans in preparation for my Pastor's sermons coming up! Also.....playing worship music in our home!
I will be doing Joy Breaks as a quick devotional time.
"Loving God with All Your Mind" by Elizabeth George.
Must Do:
- Organize/Declutter Office (I need to get this done to bring order to our home---this has yet to be done!!!!)
- Write out plans for Christmas and Thanksgiving. We are having baby then, and I want to have as much planned out as possible
- Make Menu Plan and list of foods to freeze for Nov. & Dec.
- Continue to create my "Blessed Home Notebook"
This week I am working on the Master Bedroom. I am following Rachel's (from A Juggling Housewife) weekly list of Zones to clean. This week I will be on Week #3 (Master Bedroom). I didn't get around to it last week---so, I will do it this week!
Train Them Up:
This week is a busy week for us with having something to attend everyday this week. But, I want to make sure that I am taking time to spend with my girls. Having a devotional time with them is essential. To add to the devotional time, I thought about taking some time to sing songs. My girls love to sing! I got some cute CD's to sing along with. We may get out instruments and play along too!
Menu Planning:
I planned my menu for this week. Go here to see what we are feeding our bellies! Also, there is a great recipe there for a No-knead bread! Check it out!
Hi there :) Wow you do so much and your having a baby too? I remember when I had 4 small ones running around the house... it was not easy. Trying to find quiet time sometimes seemed like a dream. Sending encouragement and prayers your way.
Bloom of Sewn Seeds
I pray your getting lots accomplished this wee, and a full week it is! I love your little pinecones :-)