Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday Meanderings August 27th

Last week went a lot better than I had anticipated! I was able to accomplish most things on my list. I was very excited about reading in my Bible and being more consistent with my devotions. When I missed a day, I noticed the difference in our day. But, as soon as I put on the Worship music and read devotions and God's Word, I was a breath of fresh air. However, I wasn't able to finish up my Blessed Home Notebook this week...but, I figure that will take some time! And, that is OKAY! (note to self). And, potty training?? Still working on it! :-)

Let's get to this week!

The Five areas:
  1. Bible Study/Devotions
  2. Must Do
  3. Zone / Cleaning
  4. Train Them Up
  5. Menu Planning

Bible Study/Devotions:
I am continuing with my two devotional and Bible study books. I am also trying to read through Romans in preparation for my Pastor's sermons coming up! Also.....playing worship music in our home!
I will be doing Joy Breaks as a quick devotional time.

"Loving God with All Your Mind" by Elizabeth George.

Must Do:

  • Write out Sophia's Birthday Invites
  • Make List of all addresses for Christmas Cards
  • Continue to create my "Blessed Home Notebook"

Zone/ Cleaning:
This week I am working on the Living Room. I am following Rachel's (from A Juggling Housewife) weekly list of Zones to clean. This week I will be on Week #2 (Lounge/Living Room)

Train Them Up:
I would like make a more consistent Bible/Devotion time with my girls. I have neglected to do this more often. I have a devotional that has a craft to go along with the devotion. So, I plan to start that this week!

Menu Planning:
I planned my menu for this week. Go here to see what we are feeding our bellies! And, I also wrote a little bit about healthy eating ideas for kids!


  1. I am so happy to hear that last week went so well for you! YEAH!!!

    You have another wonderful week planned , i hope it again will be a very blessed and productive week!

  2. invitations and thank you notes...they are a necessity!!

    I love peeking in at the menus of really inspires me for the next week...
    thanks a bunch


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