Monday, August 13, 2007

Decluttering My Brain Train

WOW! I read this article from Faith Lifts and I thought for a second that the author snuck into my home and head and just wrote through my fingertips. How did she do that?
I beat myself up because I don’t accomplish as much as a supermom should. Has anyone actually met Supermom?
I try to get EVERYTHING perfect before I allow myself to relax and enjoy although, I don't iron (sorry honey), I do make lists in my head of all the things I need to get done that I can't even relax when trying to spend time with my kids. Overwhelming syndrome?
Oh, don't think that I have given up my task of decluttering. Oh no....I still am doing that. I am just decluttering my beliefs in having THE PERFECT house on the block, neighborhood, this side of town, city, state, country....yeah, you get my point! Read the excerpt below.

How many of us have fallen into the trap of believing that in order to be a good wife and mother you need to have a perfectly clean house, perfectly balanced meals, and the laundry all folded, ironed and put away at the end of each day? Surely I can’t be the only one? And then when we visit blogs where the hostess gives an overview of how much she accomplished that day all while homeschooling her kids, sewing all their clothes, painting the living room and running her wildly successful home based business………how many of us have wondered what is wrong with us that we aren’t doing all of that too? Can anyone else relate to this intense pressure to be perfect?

Enough I say! It is time to put a little more effort into my Mary side.

So my next area of decluttering is going to include getting rid of some of these beliefs I have held onto for so long. I mean, really, is the world going to end if I don’t iron every article of clothing we own? Or if my house actually looks like…….gasp!…..somebody actually LIVES in it? Will I be the scandalous talk of the town if my baseboards don’t get scrubbed each day?

1 comment:

  1. I need to work on my Mary too.
    Nice reminder.
    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier, hope you have a blessed day!


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